Cong Dam Fishing Village, a hidden jewel in Vietnam’s vast landscapes, offers an authentic glimpse into the traditional Vietnamese coastal life. This serene village, unspoiled by modernity, symbolizes Vietnam’s deep-rooted connection with the sea. Beyond its picturesque beauty, Cong Dam holds significant cultural and touristic value, representing the harmony between nature and human life.

In this article, we journey through Cong Dam, exploring its historical significance, the daily lives of its fishermen, and its cultural and ecological treasures. As we delve into the village’s fishing industry, traditional architecture, and emerging ecotourism, we uncover the enduring charm of Cong Dam—a testament to Vietnam’s rich heritage and the sustainable coexistence of tradition and progress.

Introducing Cong Dam fishing village

Cong Dam Fishing Village is a quaint and ancient settlement nestled in the Bai Tu Long Bay area, Northeast of Quang Ninh
Cong Dam Fishing Village is a quaint and ancient settlement nestled in the Bai Tu Long Bay area, Northeast of Quang Ninh

Cong Dam Fishing Village is a quaint and ancient settlement nestled in the Bai Tu Long Bay area, Northeast of Quang Ninh. Perched alongside rocky cliffs and distanced from the mainland, this village offers visitors a peaceful and nature-intimate experience.

Home to approximately 120 residents, the village primarily thrives on fishing. The locals have preserved their traditional fishing culture almost intact, with bamboo boats, stilt houses, and everyday stories of life on the water. Visitors have the unique opportunity to engage with the villagers, listening to their memorable life stories.

The allure of Cong Dam Fishing Village extends beyond its simple, rustic charm. It captivates with the majestic and poetic beauty of its mountains and seas. The area serves as an open-air geological museum, preserved for over 340 million years. The most striking feature is the rock park, where naturally straight-lined and stacked rocks form mountain ranges, seemingly arranged by human hands. Visitors can marvel at the breathtaking landscapes, including pine groves, coral reefs, underground lakes within the limestone mountains, and underwater caves.

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Landscapes and attractions at Cong Dam Fishing Village

Visit majestic high mountains

The Cong Dam Fishing Village offers more than just its charming small village; it also boasts stunning and diverse natural landscapes. This area serves as an open-air geological museum, preserved over 340 million years. The most prominent feature is the rock park, where mountain ranges are formed from naturally stacked rocks in straight lines, appearing as if they were meticulously arranged by human hands. The majestic rock mountains create a breathtaking panorama, especially when reflected on the water’s surface.

Explore the underwater landscape

Tourists explore Cong Dam fishing village
Tourists explore Cong Dam fishing village

In addition, visitors can explore underground lakes, underwater caves, coral reefs, and pristine white beaches such as Tra Gioi, Cay Bang, and Cat Oan. These underground lakes and caves are fascinating attractions for those who love exploration and adventure. Visitors can witness the masterpieces of nature formed over millions of years. Some of the notable underground lakes include Ho Thay, Ho Cong Do, and Ho Cong Xanh, while unique caves like Hang Thien Canh Son and Hang Co offer intriguing shapes and formations. The coral reefs and beaches are ideal for those who love the sea and wish to enjoy the fresh and cool air. You can admire various plants, fish, and marine creatures in vibrant colors.

Cong Dam Fishing Village is an unmissable destination when visiting Ha Long Bay. It promises unforgettable experiences with its natural scenery and attractions. To reach Cong Dam, you can travel from Hon Gai or Tuan Chau ports by cruise or canoe, taking about 2-3 hours, with ticket prices ranging from 300,000 to 500,000 VND per person. Upon arrival, you can engage in activities like fishing, kayaking, squid fishing, net pulling, or mangrove planting to protect the environment. You can also enjoy local culinary delicacies, such as fresh seafood, grilled squid, braised fish, baked rice crackers, or green bean dessert.

Experience activities here

Upon visiting Cong Dam Fishing Village, you’ll have numerous opportunities to engage in exciting and meaningful tourism activities and experiences. You can go fishing with the local fishermen to enjoy the thrill of catching fresh fish and learn their survival skills. Alternatively, you can kayak on the clear waters to explore the underground lakes, underwater caves, and the beautiful coral reefs, admiring nature’s masterpieces that have been formed over millions of years.

Additionally, you can try night squid fishing to enjoy the unique and delicious dish of grilled squid. This activity allows you to experience the excitement of hunting for the abundant and large squids in this sea area. You can also join the fishermen in net pulling to catch other fresh seafood like crabs, lobsters, and snails. This experience lets you immerse in the life of the village fishermen and share stories about the sea with them.

Tourists experience squid fishing
Tourists experience squid fishing

An especially meaningful tourism and experiential activity available in Cong Dam Fishing Village is participating in mangrove planting to protect the environment. This involvement contributes to the restoration and conservation of critical ecological areas vital for human life and various species. You will learn about mangrove forests and their planting methods, feeling a sense of pride in contributing to nature’s protection.

Traditional cuisine in the fishing village that you should try

Cong Dam Fishing Village is renowned not only for its majestic natural landscapes but also for its array of enticing and unique culinary specialties. You’ll have the chance to savor delicious and fresh seafood dishes from this region. One dish you shouldn’t miss when visiting Cong Dam is grilled squid. You’ll enjoy the sweet, tender, and aromatic flavor of the squid grilled over charcoal. It can be served with fresh herbs, baked rice paper, and sweet and sour dipping sauce.

Additionally, you can enjoy other seafood dishes like braised fish, tamarind crab, boiled lobster, steamed snails, and more. You’ll see fresh fish, crabs, lobsters, and snails caught from the sea and prepared using traditional recipes from the fishing village. The dishes are rich in flavor, combining a variety of spices and sauces.

It is impossible not to enjoy the fresh seafood dishes of this region
It is impossible not to enjoy the fresh seafood dishes of this region

A special dish you can find in Cong Dam Fishing Village is baked rice paper (banh da nuong). This dish is made from rice flour and coconut milk, spread into a thin layer and baked over charcoal. The rice paper turns golden brown, crispy, and mildly sweet. It can be enjoyed with fresh vegetables or dipped in fish sauce.

Another delicious and nutritious dish you can enjoy in Cong Dam is green bean dessert (che đau xanh). This dessert is made from boiled green beans, sugar, and fresh coconut. It offers a sweet, cool, and nutritious taste. It’s perfect as a refreshing drink or a dessert after a meal.

The village’s unspoiled scenery, combined with the warm hospitality of its residents, makes it not just a place to visit, but an experience to cherish. Here, the rhythms of the sea dictate the pace of life, offering a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of modern living. The preservation of traditional fishing methods, the stunning geological formations, and the rich biodiversity all contribute to the village’s uniqueness, making it a significant contributor to Vietnamese culture and tourism.

For those longing to immerse themselves in this serene and culturally rich environment, there’s no better time than now. We invite you to explore the wonders of Cong Dam Fishing Village with San Travel. Embark on a journey that promises not just a vacation, but a deep dive into the heart of Vietnam’s coastal heritage. Book your tour with San Travel today and prepare to be enchanted by the hidden gem that is Cong Dam Fishing Village.

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