May marks the start of a sweltering summer, yet the Halong Bay weather in May remains generally bearable. Indeed, this month is considered one of the best times to explore Halong Bay.

Overview Halong Bay weather in May

May in Ha Long Bay has warm, humid weather but not too harsh
May in Ha Long Bay has warm, humid weather but not too harsh

May brings the official arrival of summer in Halong Bay with characteristic hot weather, although the heat during this month is generally tolerable. The Halong Bay weather in May becomes more humid, leading to a noticeable increase in perspiration. This month also signifies the low tourist season, with a significant drop in visitor numbers. The warm temperatures in May may intensify your desire to partake in water-based activities such as kayaking, swimming, and snorkeling to cool off. However, it’s important to note that there is a possibility of rainstorms that could affect your outdoor plans during this time.

In May, Halong Bay weather in May is warm and humid, yet not excessively harsh. The average temperature hovers around 32°C, with daytime highs reaching approximately 38°C and nighttime lows dipping to around 26°C.

May boasts abundant sunshine, providing ideal conditions for outdoor water activities. You can expect about 8 hours of sunshine per day. However, with the rising temperatures, the monsoon season looms closer, leading to a notable increase in both rainfall and humidity. Average humidity levels reach approximately 78%, and there’s an average of 175 mm of rainfall spread over 14 rainy days.

The weather in May at Halong Bay is renowned for its unpredictability, so it’s advisable to be prepared for unexpected conditions. Checking the weather forecast before your journey is recommended to ensure that your reservations are not canceled or postponed.

Number of tourists coming to Halong Bay in May

Number of tourists coming to Ha Long in May
Number of tourists coming to Ha Long in May

Compared to April, in terms of Halong Bay weather in May, you’ll have more opportunities to secure better deals. Many travel companies roll out special summer promotions at the beginning of the month. This period marks the onset of the low season in Halong Bay.

One of the most significant events in May is the Halong Carnival Festival, which may vary in its exact dates but typically takes place at the end of April or the beginning of May. This event provides a great opportunity to immerse yourself in Vietnamese culture and engage in a variety of exciting activities aimed at promoting tourism.

Another notable date in May is International Labor Day on May 1st, which is a relatively rare holiday for local tourists. Additionally, May offers an excellent window to explore Halong Bay without the concerns of overcrowding from tourists.

Advantages and disadvantages of traveling to Halong Bay in May


  1. Warm and Sunny Weather: May in Halong Bay offers warm and sunny weather, providing ample opportunities for outdoor and underwater activities.

  2. Rainfall and Stormy Weather: While rain and storms may occur, May is not typically a high-rainfall season, and these events usually do not pose significant problems.
  3. Fewer Tourists: May is considered the low season, meaning fewer tourists. This can lead to lower prices and a chance to explore less crowded destinations.


  1. Higher Risk of Rain and Storms: With rising temperatures and humidity, the likelihood of rain and storms increases. This necessitates keeping an eye on the weather to ensure safety.
  2. Crowded Early in the Month: May 1st, International Labor Day and April 30th, National Reunification Day, are among the longest holidays for Vietnamese people. Therefore, Halong Bay can still be crowded at the beginning of May, especially on these days.

Best things to do in Halong Bay in May

Swimming and Kayaking

There’s no doubt that the warm seawater and hot weather in May create ideal conditions for underwater activities, especially swimming and kayaking. Halong Bay boasts numerous fantastic spots for these activities, including Titop Beach, Luon Cave, the Tung Sau area, and Ba Trai Dao Beach. It’s worth noting that kayaking may not be included in your package and could involve an additional fee, so check the details.

Swimming in Halong Bay
Swimming in Halong Bay

Seaplane Tour

Taking a seaplane and admiring the bay’s landscape from above is an unforgettable experience. Ensure your camera is ready to capture stunning photos of floating villages, tree-covered islands, towering limestone mountains, and serene boat journeys on the pristine waters. The tour, lasting 25 minutes, is provided by Hai Au Aviation Company.

Overnight Cruise

Overnight cruise on Halong Bay
Overnight cruise on Halong Bay

Experiencing a fully packaged vacation on a 2-day 1-night or 3-day 2-night cruise in Halong Bay during May is a must. As the peak tourist season comes to a close, you can anticipate reduced prices and substantial promotions. This is particularly appealing given the Halong Bay weather in May.

What to bring when traveling to Halong Bay in May

May promises to be a scorching month. Be sure to pack your lightest summer clothes and ensure your eyes and skin are protected from the sun’s rays. Shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops are perfect attire for this month. You should also carry sunscreen or an umbrella to avoid sunburn.

Don’t forget your swimsuit because underwater activities may be on the agenda – the heat will make the water especially inviting. To prepare for the increased humidity, bring a raincoat or other waterproof gear to stay dry!

Advice for tourists

In May, as the Halong Bay weather in May gets hotter, it’s essential to prepare for the first summer heatwave and the possibility of increased rainfall. Here are some valuable local tips to ensure a smooth and trouble-free adventure:

  1. Sunscreen is a Must: Always apply sunscreen before venturing outdoors, especially in May when the sun can be intense due to the weather in Halong Bay in May.
  2. Check the Weather Forecast: It’s advisable to check the weather forecast for the upcoming two weeks before making any bookings. This helps ensure that your plans won’t be disrupted by unexpected storms or adverse weather conditions during your trip.
  3. Book in Advance: To avoid potential overcrowding and limited availability, consider pre-booking your tours and services through reputable agencies. This is particularly important at the beginning of the month, as it coincides with a major local holiday.

There isn’t much difference between May and April in Halong Bay. Your choice between the two months depends on your personal preferences and the purpose of your trip. If you don’t mind the summer heat, both months are suitable for visiting Halong Bay.

If you’re interested in participating in costume festivals or special events, you should check the event calendar and choose the month when these events are held. Generally, October may be considered the best month in terms of weather, but April and May also offer excellent travel experiences and are not overly crowded.

When considering factors such as weather, tourist crowds, events, prices, and overall travel comfort, April and May can provide better travel experiences compared to other peak season months. With clear skies, no hurricane risks, and favorable weather conditions, there’s no reason to hesitate when deciding to visit Halong Bay during these months. Don’t forget to book a tour with San Travel to explore Halong Bay with many attractive offers.

>>> Read more: Navigating Halong Bay Weather for the Best Travel Months