February stands out as a vibrant and festive time in Vietnam, marked by the joyous celebrations of Lunar New Year, also known as Tet. This culturally significant holiday symbolizes a fresh beginning for the Vietnamese, imbued with spiritual and traditional importance. In Halong Bay, February’s weather patterns largely mirror those of January, characterized by dryness and fog. Yet, there’s a noticeable shift towards slightly warmer temperatures compared to January. This subtle change in the Halong Bay weather in February makes it an ideal month for a variety of outdoor activities in the region. Visitors have ample opportunities to immerse themselves in both the natural beauty of Halong Bay and the cultural festivities of the season.

Overview Halong Bay weather in February

The Halong Bay weather in February is typically cooler and foggy, particularly in the early mornings, often accompanied by light drizzles
The Halong Bay weather in February is typically cooler and foggy, particularly in the early mornings, often accompanied by light drizzles

In Halong Bay, the weather in February is a pivotal time as it transitions from the tail end of winter to the onset of spring. This period is characteristic of Northern Vietnam’s tropical monsoon climate, which brings about distinct changes across the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The Halong Bay weather in February is typically cooler and foggy, particularly in the early mornings, often accompanied by light drizzles. However, unlike the summer months, February in Halong Bay presents a few sunny days that are pleasantly mild, greatly reducing the risk of sunburn.

Digging into specifics, the average temperature for Halong Bay weather in February is about 18°C – a comfortable range for most travelers, including those from international destinations. Nighttime temperatures in Halong Bay can drop to as low as 5°C, while daytime temperatures might climb to 29°C. The humidity level in February slightly increases from the previous month, averaging at about 88%. This increase in humidity contributes to a higher frequency of rainy and drizzling days, totaling around 9 days in the month.

With its mild temperatures and clearer skies, February is often cited as an excellent time for visiting and engaging in sightseeing activities in Halong Bay. The weather allows for pleasant outdoor experiences and enhances visibility, making it an opportune time to explore and appreciate the natural beauty of Halong Bay.

Advantages and disadvantages of traveling to Halong Bay in February


February in Halong Bay is notably warmer than January, setting an ideal stage for exploring the majestic landscapes of the bay. Although you might encounter occasional drizzles, the overall low rainfall during this month generally means that your travel plans and bookings are less likely to be disrupted by weather conditions.

This month is also a culturally vibrant time in Halong Bay, coinciding with the celebration of the Tet holiday, Vietnam’s Lunar New Year. Alongside Tet, other local festivities like the Yen Tu and Cua Ong festivals take place, offering visitors a unique glimpse into the spiritual and religious practices of the local community. These events provide a rich cultural backdrop to your visit, allowing for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the region’s traditions.

When it comes to activities, February’s pleasant weather in Halong Bay opens up a plethora of options. You can embark on a scenic cruise through the limestone karsts, paddle through the waters by kayak, enjoy a swim in the bay, or even try your hand at rock climbing. Each of these activities allows you to experience Halong Bay’s natural beauty in different ways, making your visit both exciting and memorable.


During February, which is part of the peak tourist season in Halong Bay, you might find the area busier than in other months. This uptick in visitors is often attributed to the Halong Bay weather in February, which is generally considered pleasant for exploring the region. However, it’s worth noting that during the Tet holiday, a significant celebration in Vietnam, many local shops and services may be closed, which could cause some inconvenience for tourists.

The Halong Bay weather in February also includes a few chilly and wet days, despite being warmer than January. These weather conditions can sometimes be a deterrent for outdoor activities like boat tours, kayaking, or beach visits. Therefore, while planning your trip, it’s advisable to be aware of these potential weather fluctuations and perhaps have alternative plans for indoor activities on such days. This foresight will ensure that your experience in Halong Bay remains enjoyable, regardless of the occasional inclement weather.

Event in Halong Bay in February

Making Chung cake, a traditional Tet preparation in Vietnam.
Making Chung cake, a traditional Tet preparation in Vietnam.

The vibrant festive atmosphere in Halong Bay during February is significantly influenced by the Halong Bay weather in February, which enhances the appeal of the local celebrations. One of the most significant events is the traditional Tet holiday or Lunar New Year Festival, usually falling in the first half of February and lasting for about 7 days. During this time, the weather in Halong Bay typically supports the festive mood, with Vietnamese people taking time off from work to engage in various vibrant activities and house decorations.

The Halong Bay weather in February is also conducive for participating in the festivities onboard many Halong Bay cruises, which celebrate the Tet holiday. For travelers looking to join these celebrations, it’s essential to check the exact dates of the Tet holiday and plan accordingly.

Besides the Lunar New Year, February in Halong Bay allows visitors to experience other cultural festivities, namely the Yen Tu Festival and the Cua Ong Festival. The Yen Tu Festival begins on the 10th day of the first lunar month and lasts for three months. During this time, the weather in Halong Bay typically provides a pleasant backdrop for pilgrims attending rituals at the base of Yen Tu Mountain, enjoying the scenery, and participating in celebratory activities. Similarly, the Cua Ong Festival, spanning from the 2nd day of the first lunar month to the 30th day of the third lunar month, includes various activities like incense offering ceremonies and folk games, enhanced by the mild and welcoming Halong Bay weather in February.

What to bring when visiting Halong Bay in February

For your journey to Halong Bay in February, packing light yet thoughtfully is key. Given the Halong Bay weather in February,  your suitcase should ideally contain lightweight clothing for the milder days, coupled with a few warmer items like jackets for the cooler mornings and evenings. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen for protection against the sun, and a raincoat might be useful for the occasional showers.

Necessary items you need to bring
Necessary items you need to bring

Other essential items to consider for your packing list include:

  • Insect Repellent: This is crucial for keeping away mosquitoes and other insects, especially if you’re planning outdoor activities or evening excursions.
  • First-Aid Kits: A basic first-aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, and any personal medications you might need.
  • Hats, Flip-Flops, and Sandals: A hat can provide essential sun protection, while flip-flops or sandals are perfect for beach visits or relaxed walks around the bay.
  • A Hoodie or Sweater: Ideal for the cooler days and evenings, ensuring you stay warm regardless of the temperature fluctuations.

Packing these items ensures you’re well-prepared to comfortably enjoy all the activities and experiences Halong Bay has to offer during this time of the year.

>>>> Read more: Halong Bay Weather for the Best Travel Months

What to do when coming to Halong Bay in February?

Swimming and cruising

Swimming and cruising
Swimming and cruising

Embarking on a deep swim in Halong Bay during February is an exhilarating experience, particularly on a sunny day. The Halong Bay weather in February often provides ideal conditions for not only swimming but also for kayaking and hiking, offering some of the most memorable outdoor experiences. It’s important, though, to time these activities wisely. Swimming and water-based activities are best enjoyed when the sun is out, as the temperatures are more favorable. Post-sunset, the temperature tends to drop, making it less suitable for staying in the water.

A cruise trip in Halong Bay during this time is another unforgettable experience. February, being a festive month, enhances the allure of these cruises. Most cruise operators celebrate the last day of the lunar year with special feasts and events. Imagine indulging in exquisite Vietnamese cuisine and enjoying traditional performances against the backdrop of Halong Bay’s stunning nighttime panorama. This experience is particularly perfect for those traveling with family or friends, providing a unique blend of cultural immersion and scenic beauty. These moments under the February skies of Halong Bay are sure to create lasting memories.

Rock climbing

Rock climbing
Rock climbing

Rock climbing in Halong Bay during February is an exceptional experience, thanks to the weather which is neither too hot nor too cold, making it ideal for such intense and physically demanding activities. The moderate Halong Bay weather in February provides the perfect conditions for scaling the bay’s famous limestone cliffs. Popular rock climbing spots in Halong Bay include Luy Tam Biet, Cerro Torre, and La Plage des Pirates. These sites offer climbers of various skill levels a chance to challenge themselves while enjoying the breathtaking views of the bay.

Participate in traditional festivals

In addition to adventurous activities like rock climbing, February in Halong Bay is a time rich with cultural festivities. The weather during this month not only enhances outdoor experiences but also coincides with several traditional festivals. These include the Tet holiday, Yen Tu festival, and Cua Ong festival. For active and culturally curious travelers, participating in these festivals is a must. They provide a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the local culture, traditions, and community spirit. These festivals are integral to experiencing the cultural richness of Halong Bay, especially during the vibrant month of February.

Tips for you when visiting Halong Bay in February

To make the most of your Halong Bay experience, especially considering the Halong Bay weather in February, it’s essential to be well-prepared. Here are a few key tips to ensure your stay is enjoyable and hassle-free:

  1. Dress Appropriately for Varied Weather: The weather in Halong Bay during February can be quite variable, with both cooler and warmer days. It’s advisable to pack warm clothing for the chillier days, ensuring you stay comfortable during early mornings and evenings. At the same time, don’t forget to bring sunscreen for the sunny days, as the sun can be quite strong even in the cooler months.
  2. Advance Booking: February is a popular time to visit Halong Bay due to the pleasant weather and the festive season. This popularity can often lead to higher demand for accommodations and services, resulting in overpriced options. To avoid this, it’s crucial to book your stay, cruises, and any activities well in advance. Early booking not only secures better rates but also ensures that you get to choose from the best available options, enhancing your overall experience in Halong Bay.

Visiting Halong Bay in February is a great choice, thanks to the beautiful, pleasant, and dry weather typical of this time. While the area may be busier with tourists, planning your trip and booking in advance, especially with a travel agency like San Travel, can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, allowing you to fully appreciate Halong Bay’s stunning scenery and vibrant atmosphere.

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